Yellow Thorns by Rina Kent s is the prequel to the Thornes duet; it is about Naomi and Sebastian who you meet in the Truth and Lies Duet. The book is just basically about how they met and how their relationship begins.
If you read the Truth and Lies duet, you know that Reina got amnesia and changed her whole personality because she did not remember who she was before. This book shows you who she was before she got amnesia, and I have to say that I do not like that version of Reina.
I really loved this book. I like that we got to see the other version of Reina before she got amnesia and changed. I also really enjoyed seeing a little of Naomi and Sebastian’s story because you see in the Truth and Lies duet that something happened between them, but you don’t know what.
This book is a prequel, so it is not very long; it is only like three chapters, and the way that it ends leaves you wondering what is going to happen with Naomi and Sebastian.