WWW Wednesdays meme formally hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and is now being hosted by Taking on a World of Words.
- What are you currently reading? I am currently reading Until May by Aurora Rose Reynolds. Until May is the eleventh book in the Until Him and Until Her series. It is about May and Aiden. May is the daughter of Asher and November from the Until Series. May is a mystery we don’t really know much about her, I am not very far in the book, but so far the book is so good.

- What did you recently finish reading? Until April by Aurora Rose Reynolds. Until April is the tenth book in the Until Him and Until Her series. It is about April and Maxim, April is another daughter of Asher and November they have five daughters. Maxim is the son of Kai and Myla from the Underground Kings Series. This book was worth the wait. I really loved April and Maxim’s story.

- What do you think you’ll read next? I don’t know what I’ll read next. I am currently reading Aurora Rose Reynolds books so I might read Assumption the first book the Underground Kings series or Until Susan which is about James and Susan books. James and Susan are the parents of Asher the father of May and April.