Until Trevor is about Trevor and Liz. You met them in Until November. I love Trevor and Liz together; I think they are great together. Until November we see that something happened between them, but we don’t know what until this book. I love all the Mayson Brothers and I cannot wait for Nico and Cash’s books.

Liz is great, she seems sweet and shy, but she also has a backbone and is not afraid to stand up for herself. Liz is November’s closest friend. She owns a shop with her mom in town. At the beginning of the book, she is going through some things. Her brother has something going on that I cannot say because it spoils the book.
Trevor is one of Asher’s brothers. Liz is Trevor’s boom. Trevor said and did something stupid that left Liz not trusting Trevor. Trevor is now trying to fix it and is going to try and fix it by becoming friends with her and trying to get her to give him another chance.
Favorite Quotes
“As usual, when she has her Kindle in her hand, the world could crumble around her and she wouldn’t have a clue.”
“All my life I have been reading romance novels. Those stupid books ruined me. I’ve always wanted that fire that every book I ever read talks about.”
“I love you. Don’t ever doubt that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
“Jesus. I love you so fucking much; you would think I was growing a vagina.”
“I’m going to be your best friend.”
“I’m the lucky one. I didn’t think that I would ever want someone to have the kind of power over me that you hold. I know my future is going to be amazing because you’re going to be by my side; and with you, everything is better.”
“I’m surprised that this place didn’t catch fire when he kissed you,” my mom says, beaming at me. I bite my lip, asking myself, not for the first time, what just happened.”