Until December is about December and Gareth. And told December is the eighth book in the Until Him and Until Her series. I love Aurora’s books; the more I read about the Mayson family, the more I feel like I am a member of the family. Gareth and December, we’re so cute together. I love how she just fits right in with him and his sons. Talon’s story is next; he will be very interesting.

Until December is about December and Gareth. And told December is the eighth book in the Until Him and Until Her series. I love Aurora’s books; the more I read about the Mayson family, the more I feel like I am a member of the family. Gareth and December, we’re so cute together. I love how she just fits right in with him and his sons. Talon’s story is next; he will be very interesting.
Gareth is a single dad; he has two sons Max and Mitchell. He works at the auto shop; he will work overtime. He is a great dad; he is always there for his sons. The minute he sees December, he is interested in her. December spends the night with him only for her to leave in the morning. When she tries contacting him, he tells her to never contact him again; they end up working things out. His ex comes back trying to cause problems, but it doesn’t work.
Max and Mitchell are so cute. I love how protective Mitchell is of Max. I also love how much they instantly lean on December and trust her. April’s story is one I am looking forward to reading; she is kind of a mystery, and it will also be interesting to see April’s relationship with November and Asher.
Favorite Quotes
“Honest to God, it was a little scary how much he reminded me of your dad when we first got together.” “What do you mean?” “At Cobi’s wedding, I saw the way he was looking at you before he approached you at the bar. I saw the look on his face when he finally got your attention,
“April was cozied up to a guy all night. Did you think that was sweet?” I ask, wanting to change the subject. “Your sister is a different breed of woman, honey, and your father and I have come to terms with that.
“When I’m reading and get to a point in a book that makes me nervous about how things will turn out, I skip to the end just to make sure everything ends up okay.”
“You’re very annoying.” “Yeah, and you’re seriously fucking adorable.”
Unfortunately, I have never been able to control the impact their mother has on their lives any more than I can direct the sun from setting each evening. “Your mom is—” “A bitch.” My spine stiffens. “Language. I get that you’re upset with her, but do not ever disrespect her. She’s your mother. She loves you boys.”
“Love you, kid.” I rest my forehead against the top of his head. “Love you too, Dad,”
“I thought you said your cat doesn’t like people.” “He doesn’t,” I mutter, and Gareth laughs while shutting the door. “He’s so cool.” Max smiles at me, scratching the head of the cat who has obviously been switched with mine.
I stop in my tracks when I see Gareth pick up Melbourne and flip him to his back to rub his stomach—a move that would for sure get my eyes scratched out. Okay, so my cat is obviously sexist and only likes men. Good to know.
“You can add that to the list of reasons I love you,
\”Until her, I never believed in happily ever afters,