First Chapter, First Paragraph Tuesday Intro is a weekly meme that is hosted by Socrates Book Reviews. This is where you share some excerpts or teasers from books that you are currently reading. Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme that is hosted by The Purple Booker. This is where you open to a random page and share some teasers from that page.

First Chapter, First Paragraph Tuesday Intros
I hummed softly as blood spread over the squat stone wall surrounding the long-lived ash tree, its trembling branches reaching toward me in sympathy. The wall gleamed hungrily as it soaked up the offering, allowing some of its meal to drip into the soil nurturing the tree.
Teaser Tuesday
A chain, liberally decorated with the strongest runic magic, capable of controlling Colette outside her cell. It took some work, but I crafted a spell that made me its foundation. As long as I held the chain, she would not escape.
What is the name of this book? I’m curious!
Lifeblood by Amara Rae
Sounds interesting. I like the cover.