Tacet a Mortuis is the third book in this series. This book is still about Madison and Bishop. You learn at the end of the second book what Tacet a Mortuis is and what it means you get the last chapter of the book that Madison’s been reading as well. If you read the second book then you know about Perdita, and Perdita is much more explored in this book, but you can tell that there are still some questions that need to be answered about the Elite King’s world. In this book, you also find out about what happened to Tillie.

Madison, in my opinion, needs to learn to trust Bishop I understand that she does not like secrets, and finding out the information from others makes things worse but, she needs to trust Bishop and trust his love for her. Bishop I think needs to tell Madison the truth because her reactions are only as strong as they are because he is keeping secrets from her he also needs to trust that she will be able to handle everything that is going on and the truth and while I understand he has trouble trusting her because of what her she always runs to Nate and all that I do think that he needs to trust her and how much she loves him.
I loved Nate, his books are next, and I cannot wait to read his story; he deserves to be happy and not have Madison playing with his feeling. We all know he is in love with Tillie. Tatum is getting more annoying. Nate does not love her; he loves Tillie; she just needs to let him go. Brantley is a mystery; his books are six and seven in the series, and I cannot wait to learn more about him. I like the other Elite Kings as well. I want to know their stories; Eli’s story is the third book in the midnight mayhem series, but I am curious about the other Elites.
Favorite Quotes
“Lost is not a place. It’s a soul in paralysis… Waiting to feel moved.” -Atticus
“It’s fucking you, Madison. You’re the only person walking this earth that could ever figure me out. You’re the only fucking person walking this earth that I truly know I’d kill a motherfucker for, and you’re the only fucking girl walking this earth that has me.”
“I feel something for you, Madison. Something I’ve never felt for anyone—ever. But love isn’t a strong enough word to even come close to what the fuck I feel for you. The word love is the most overused fucking word in the dictionary, and I can say right now that I’ve never told anyone those words ever. Not even my mother.” He paused, and took a breath, his finger brushing over my lips. “But fuck me, Mads. If this is love, then I’ve loved you since the day I first saw you in the cafeteria.”
When I looked around the table at all their faces, I now understood the saying blood means nothing, loyalty means everything.
Women. Some read that word and think beauty, assholes read it and think sandwiches, but those who bathe in intellect read that word and feel power. Our bodies, built in all different shapes and forms, all bared one thing in common; power. Without us, humanity would not exist. We bear our flesh and our bodies to create new humans, and then continue to nurture and care for them, that’s why when I’d see the word “women,” I thought of power.
I’ve felt loss. I’ve suffered and lived through what felt like my heart being ripped from my chest. Death was a brutal thing. Its behavior could be unrestrainedly ferocious, and at times, radiated toward the people who didn’t deserve to be at the receiving end of its wrath. It tore your heart into two by taking your loved one and replacing them with nothing but the sweet whispers of their memories. Those memories will become the shoulders you cry on.”
Riddle me this, Kitty, what’s round, smooth, and is home for a sparkling stone?