Sancte Diaboli: Part One is about Brantley and Saint. In this book, you’ll learn about Saint who she is, her past with Brantley, and a little bit of her family history; you also learn a little bit about Brantley’s past and what made him who he is; and how it made him act the way he does.

Brantley has been such a mystery in the past five books, so finally learning some things about his past, and he is now definitely my favorite. I like how protective he is of Saint and how she is his reason for a lot of the things he does. Saint is someone we don’t know about until the end of the 5th book, and it made me want to know more about her and what her history is.
In this book, you get more about what’s going on with Madison and Bishop’s relationship and how that’s going and how they might be working that out or how they’re not working it out. In the last two books, you find out what happened to Madison. But we see in this book that the relationship is still kind of on the rocks, and so we see how that develops from the perspective of Brantley and Saint. You also get Nate and Tilly in this book and how they’re doing found out at the end of Malum Part 2 that Tillie is pregnant with their second child, so we see how she is doing in this book.
Favorite Quotes
Everyone has a story, and when you die, your memories cling to the minds of the people you leave behind, scripted in permanent ink. They can go back and visit their favorite chapters when they need comfort, or simply skip over the scenes they want to forget, but what they can’t do, is be removed.
“Because fucking with a girl who is owned by me is far scarier than fucking with someone who has been drowned in the blood of her lover.”
Whoever created Brantley did it with intent. Intention for him to either run Hell or guard it. I haven’t figured out which yet.
Wrong. I am a monster and he damn well knows it. She just made it her pet.
“You can look at me like that all you want, but it won’t be me who will end up being the feast.”
“Too rare for earth, too doomed for Heaven.” “Is that you?” I asked, entranced in the moment and not caring that I shouldn’t show interest. He burst out laughing. “Fuck no. You won’t ever find the word heaven anywhere near my name.” He turned his head now, lifting his arm just enough for me to see. “It’s you. But you’re fucked now anyway.” “Why?” I said, and again, I didn’t know why I kept engaging with him. He smirked. “Simple, really. Because you’re owned by me.”
‘I don’t care if I will fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves Hell’? Or ‘He set fire to the world, but never let a flame touch her’? That’s Brantley with you.”