The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda’s Voice. Where you grab a book and turn to either page 56 or if you are using an e-reader go to 56% and share few sentences. Book Beginnings on Fridays is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader. Where you share the first sentence of books you are currently reading.

Book Beginnings on Fridays
It’s the voices of those we love that rise to the forefront of out thoughts when facing those questionable moments in life. You know, the kind when it’s all or nothing. The kind that would have you sinking to the bottom of the Hudson River with concrete bricks strapped to your ankles should you get caught.
The Friday 56
I turn my hand over and clasp hers. It’s new to me, sitting here with a woman, on a date. Even if I just wanted to show her the restaurant and the food, that’s what this is. It’s made even more bizarre considering the fact that she’s still technically still my hostage.
Technically?! SOLD!! LOL
Happy weekend!
I hope you’re enjoying it! Happy reading!