Today’s book is Fated by Liza James it is book one in the fated series. I am reading this book and this series for October Readathon and for the spooky season.

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme that is hosted by Rose City Reader. The Friday 56 is a weekly meme that is hosted by Freda’s Voice.

Book Beginnings on Fridays:
EVERYTHING SURROUNDS ME IN DARKNESS, SWALLOWING UP MY senses and causing a thick fog to envelop my mind. The musky scent of wet cement, mold, and infinitely empty rooms fills my nose. I haven’t the faintest idea of where I am. I was blindfolded the minute I was taken outside the small, quaint coffee shop I work at in downtown Brooklyn.
The Friday 56
Instantly his lips come crashing to mine, devouring me with every ounce of strength he has. But at the contact, something else wakes up inside of me and I give it back to him just as hard. Our bodies and blood are feeding from each other, pushing and pulling with an inconceivable wave of power as we fight to find out balance.
Perfect for spooky season!! Happy weekend!